Proud parents Llyn and Jeff welcomed their precious baby boy on February, 20th, weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 oz. & 21 in. They wanted to document his arrival and their experience as first time parents with a lifestyle newborn session, and invited me to be the special one to tell their newest chapter! I was greeted with the warmest welcome and very proud daddy, Jeff. He was so over the moon proud of his son and madly in love. Momma finished nursing as we brought some equipment and gear in and I took a few captures of that special bonding moment between momma and babe. In between time with mom and dad, we captured some not-so-posed and ‘real’ family moments. I have to say, Rivers is just the sweetest little thing and loves snuggles. Anytime mom or dad held him, he would just instantly snuggle in and settle down. To wrap the session up, we headed down to the ‘Clemson Cave’ (not sure if Jeff and Llyn call it this, but I would say the title is appropriate) to grab a few fun photos, after all, this kid is obviously a huge Clemson fan! Mom and dad are both from South Carolina, so I thought it was fun and special when dad wanted to bring in their home-state football team.
Mom and Dad said Rivers’ likes right now are, “Crushing nap time, tender time with Mom and Dad, which includes warm baths, a belly rub, mama’s milk, and many bedtime stories, and watching Clemson Sporting Events with his parents. His dislikes include being lifted up in the air too quickly (it scares him!) and being cold (just like his Momma).” From Daddy, Jeff:
“Llyn loves being a loving Mom and taking Rivers on walks around the neighborhood, as well as rocking out to some tunes as a family as I try to gently influence Rivers’ musical taste.
I love being a Dad and can’t wait to teach my son the important things in life like the lyrics to Yellow Ledbetter, how to pick the right donut, being yourself, being chivalrous, fishing upstream, downstream and everywhere in between.
As new parents we love all the little moments we get to experience with our son together. Squeezing his chubby cheeks often results in a smile where he gets to show off the dimple on the right side of his face. The list of things we’re learning grows by the day, and includes everything from learning to point “it” down when changing his diaper, to things as simple as how to remove the poop stains from his clothes after a blowout.
The joy Rivers’ has already brought into our lives is indescribable. As the first Grandchild for all 4 grandparents we’re attempting to keep him from being spoiled, but know that’s nearly an impossible task, as he’s very fortunate to have so many friends and family that love him! Each day together brings us more joy and we look forward to the journey of raising our little Tiger up to be a great young man.”
Congrats again Llyn and Jeff- he’s absolutely precious!